Sam Strivens, Head of Floating Offshore Wind & Maritime Decarbonisation, The Carbon Trust
Lamé Verre, former Head of Innovation & Sustainability, SSE Energy Customer Solutions
09.10 From Backing & Building Resilient Local Supply Chains To Global Market Dynamics & Players: Foster Strategic Collaboration To Reach 2030 Goals, Address Critical Bottlenecks & Boost Confidence & Supply Requirements To Meet Demand
In an unstable geopolitical environment, how can local supply chains be incentivised to fill the gap to ease bottlenecks and proactively create resilient supply chain opportunities
How can we catalyse strategic intervention from investors, government and policy makers to support industry?
Aside from conventions, how can developers, port operators and tech providers synergise to overcome cost-prohibitive challenges to implementation and ongoing O&M?
Identify and prioritise critical supply chain bottlenecks to ensure seamless operations whilst analysing the influence of global markets on Europe
Address technology standardisation and how we can start pulling together behind leading designs to allow increase of scale and decrease in manufacturing costs
Chicken and egg: establish a realistic timeline for achieving a sufficient supply to match ambitious project pipelines through utilising CfD and powerful incentives to significantly boost supply
Gillian Morrison, Development Manager- Supply Chain, Crown Estate Scotland
Huw Bell, Project Delivery Manager, Simply Blue Group
09.40 Steve Jermy, CEO, Celtic Sea Power
10.00 Advanced Turbine & Platform Design Challenges: Addressing The Complexities Of Designing & Integrating Innovative Turbines & Platforms For Floating Offshore Wind, Navigating Technological Hurdles, Regulatory Landscapes & Operational Risks
Explore streamlining turbine designs tailored for floating offshore wind applications to enhance efficiency and reliability
Cutting-edge platform technologies optimised for stability, streamlined installation, and efficient maintenance in diverse sea conditions
How can floating systems be integrated? Discuss strategic approaches for seamlessly integrating turbines with floating platforms to maximise energy yield and operational efficiency
Addressing design strategies that prioritise minimal environmental impact and promote sustainability in floating offshore wind projects
Analyse the inherent challenges in designing and implementing floating offshore wind turbines and platforms, including technological barriers, regulatory complexities, and operational risks
Assess upcoming trends and groundbreaking innovations in turbine and platform design poised to reshape the floating offshore wind industry
10.20 Floating Wind: A Global Forecast
Outlines 4C Offshore’s market-leading forecasts for offshore wind and floating wind specifically underway or installed by 2030 and 2045.
Presents 4C’s Market Attractiveness Index, identifying the top ten markets for floating wind.
Considers contextual parameters such as technical potential, ambition, pipeline, supply chain, and regulatory environment.
James Bernthal-Hooker, Research Team Manager, 4C Offshore, TGS
10.35 Morning Refreshment Break With Informal Networking
11.05 Bonus Session; Reserved For Exclusive Conference Partner
11.20 From Technological Advances To New Governments To Bidding Rounds & CfD: Reacting To Market Conditions To Readjust The Floating Offshore Wind Roadmap To Ensure Scalability, Commercial Viability & Industry Success
Floating offshore wind strategy needs strong foundations: determine which critical infrastructure will see investment to amplify commercial viability and establish definitive manufacturing timelines
New tech offers a profound impact: forecasting the technological innovations accelerating the pace and efficiency not just of energy generation but also during fabrication, installation and maintenance
Map out future CfD rounds and prevent a race to the bottom: lessons learnt from AR5 in the UK and other bidding rounds to scrutinise future bidding approaches and the future trajectory of project development in the dynamic floating offshore wind sector
The future of floating! What is next for us as an industry on the road to delivering new feats of engineering which set us up for cleaner, greener, cheaper long-term energy?
Kerry Hayes, Portfolio Director- Offshore Wind, Simply Blue Group
11.50 Exclusive Project Market Update: Details To Be Announced Soon
12.10 Integrate O&M Strategies Into Floating Project Design From Day 1: From Platforms To Turbines, Showcase Innovative & Cost-Effective Maintenance Technologies To Enhance Safety & Minimise Downtime
Comparing offshore vs onshore operations: analyse costs, technologies, and capabilities to optimise operational efficiency to effectively debate the advantages and challenges of each approach
Integrate collaborative expertise from engineers, developers, and technological leads to innovate floaters and turbines with strategic operations and maintenance designs
From predictive component exchange to drone inspections, explore cutting-edge advancements in technology for efficient, effective and safe floating offshore wind farm maintenance
Safety first: how can you mitigate environmental challenges faced by maintenance teams – especially during increasingly unstable weather?
Alberto Pena Sicilia, Head of Business Development Europe, BW-Ideol
Alistair Morris, Offshore Wind Manager, The Carbon Trust
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